The Lazy Blog

By Karan Mitroo


Hello World!

After procastinating for more than an year now, I have finally set my blog up. This time I chose to use github pages for hosting the content as compared to deploying my own wordpress server which I did alomst 2 years back. This static site is built using Hugo. I recently came to know about Hugo and since it has been written in Go I started exploring it. But spending time exploring it was yet another excuse of not setting up the blog. So I have planned to explore it side by side as I setup the blog and push some content. The good thing about hugo is that I will be writing all my posts in Markdown. Which gives me the freedom to switch to any other framework if required.

Why am I writing a blog?

As I mentioned before, this is the second time I have started to write a blog. The major reason to write a blog is to make myself read more. This sounds weird right?! Let me explain.

When I used to write my first blog back in 2018, I made some observations.

  • Firstly, to write something I would have to read someting. So this puts me in a habit of exploring/ reading new content.

  • And because this blog is going to be present on the Internet I will have to put some efforts in understanding what I am going to write about.

Thus all in all it helps me keep myself up to date in this fast moving world of Tech.

What will I be writing about?

I am glad you asked! Majorly, the posts are going to be about Tech. Software Development and Reliability are the two things I will be focussing on initially. As that is what I am into at the moment. But at the same time I would also post some random blogs here and there around anything interesting that I come across.

That’s it for this blog 😄

Really excited to have completed my blog’s setup. Let’s wait for some interesting content in the coming few days 🤘